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About Us

A fun way to tell our story, because why the heck not!

Tessa starts her entrepreneurship journey as a VA and web designer.


Kai's learning how to drive. FYI, it took her 3 tries to get her license.

Tessa's running her online business and has created and is running 2 preschool centers full-time .


Kai begins working for a non-profit and scales their reach from 1 island to 2.

Tessa sells her preschool business and pivots her business to 100% online before working online was even a thing. Trending before it was trending!


Kai's traveling the world and working abroad.

Tessa enters the male dominated industry of marketing. Move over boys.


Kai's climbing the corporate ladder in an effort to make loads of money and avoid the family business or anything to do with entrepreneurship.

Tessa loses someone very close to her and re-evaluates what matters most makes a big move to Hawaii. She realizes that she's built a reputation and a business, but not her freedom.


Kai realizes that corporate is just as hard as building her own business except she doesn't get to make up the rules. Buh-bye corporate!

Tessa has landed the contract of her dreams.


Kai learns that building a business is NOT the same as running a business.

Tessa is leading the very mastermind that Kai joins. Can anyone say divine appointment?


Kai joins a mastermind in the hopes of meeting some awesome women. She was right.


Kai's climbing the corporate ladder in an effort to make loads of money and avoid the family business or anything to do with entrepreneurship.

Enjoying higher paying contracts - YAY, but also realizing it's not that fun. Hosting Momentum Parties - YAAAS! Realizing we need more of THIS!!!!



Dedicated to doing more of what we love and so The Move to CEO is born!

Supporting 100 women to achieve their 6-figure goals.

Will you be one of them?


